What I wore to the surf City Marathon
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What I wore to the Marathon
1. ProCompression visor (no longer available)
2. Garmin GPS Running Watch
3. Target sports bras
4. Danskin tank
5. Running Belt <- to hold my phone and fuel 6. 9″ long Running Shorts from Fabletics – updated link to my favorite 7. ProCompression socks 8. Asics running shoes Marathon fuel: I took with me Clif Margarita shot blocks and Clif Mocha gel – I don’t know if it’s the fact that I eat it at mile 18 or what, but I swear mocha gel tastes like chocolate frosting. I also drank the Vitalyte on the course and water. Unfortunately, I skipped the beer and bacon station this race is known for at mile 20. That was a poor life choice. And I’ve been drinking so much iced coffee today I’m scared. Question: What are you drinking right now? Envie -me a pasta de trabalho Salve Compartilhar é se importar! Compartilhar Tweet Alfinete Compartilhar Correspondência Compartilhar keep going with these: how to use the Run / walk method for long Runs how to use the Run / walk method for long Runs how to use the Run/Walk method for Marathon training long Run. secret to half Marathon and full Training. Por que correr/caminhar m Marathon training Week 4 Running, eating and reading Updates Marathon training Week 4 Running, eating and reading Updates Marathon training Week 4. Disney world Dopey challenge training Update. Food Diary and books to listen to while running What to eat before a Late half Marathon Race What to eat before a Late half Marathon Race What to eat before the afternoon half marathon rock N Roll Las Vegas. how to fuel before a half marathon or marathon lat Is chocolate Milk the best recovery drink with Jason Karp Podcast 112 Is chocolate Milk the best recovery drink with Jason Karp Podcast 112 What should you eat and drink after a run or workout? Is chocolate milk a good recovery drink for runners? talking to an training for the Boston Marathon video series host Hello! training for the Boston Marathon video series host Hello! Olá! I’m hosting a video series called ‘10,000 Miles to Boston’ with Hyland’s Powered! We’re following a team of heale What I Ate at Epcot After the wine and Dine half Marathon What I Ate at Epcot After the wine and Dine half Marathon What I ate during the Run Disney half Marathon Weekend. Food diary recap of my diet while traveling to half marathon run Shareaholic .